Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Synchronicity, Magic, Connection, Wonder

I believe in magic.
Synchronicity is a kind of magic.
Invisible threads woven out of site ~ linking, connecting, joining each of us to what & who we are truly meant to be with, so that we may be who we are truly meant to be.
If only we pay attention.
And trust. That you are being presented a glimpse (or whallop on the head) of something essential, a vital clue to who you are.
And like a spider web, strand by strand, an entire scene will unfold before your eyes, if you trust, if you follow, if you open your heart.
Stay open to the magic.
I have discovered a thread very recently, I'm so excited to see where it leads! A blog I follow of an inspiring and beautiful dancer, introduced to me to another blog, which led me to this amazing group of creative, courageous women, and their blogs, and their magic. And then, there in one photo was someone I recognized? Yes, someone I went to high school with.
Small world? Synchronicity. Magic. Connection. Wonder.
I am so excited by the possibilities.


  1. Thank you...I needed to hear exactly this! Threads of Magic...Threads of Magic...thank you friend!

  2. Hi Tracy! Oh, what a breathtaking photo! And I love what you write about synchronicity and magic ... and the spider's web is such a perfect, lovely metaphor for all that.

    I love your story about the blog, and following the blog to others, and the magic of that, and discovering someone with whom you went to high school! It reminds me of the astonishment I experienced a number of years ago when my path led to a harp retreat, where one of three wire-strung harpers that were there (myself included) was a young woman who I used to eat lunch with in high school! Neither of us had played harp at the time, and here we were playing these rare harps in a totally different place (and even a different State). So fun, this magic :-).

  3. Teri Jean! Nice to see your name here!! Glad the words came at a good time.
    Jane, I found that photo in the commons, there's some lovely stuff out there! Don't you just love synchronicity? And the other word I heard the other day, which, really, is even more fun, Serendipity!!!
