Sunday, February 28, 2010

Taking Risks

This is my year for being brave. I'm taking risks.
I'm moving towards what scares me.
For me, that's ART.

What is it for you? What scares you?

Join me on the ride, won't you?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I am learning about mixed media and collages from the fabulous
Here is my first attempt.

A Puddle Jumper. One half of a pair of Galoshes.

I experimented with materials, didn't have some on hand that would have made it easier, but had just so much fun in the creative process. {My inner critic was bound and gagged and made to sit outside, she's still out there now as a matter of fact.}

It's part of My Path of Bravery this year, sharing this here...affirming out loud that I can do this!

Thanks for sharing this with me!

Monday, February 15, 2010


I learned that it is during the first two weeks of the New Year (yesterday ushered in the Year of the Tiger) that your intention needs to be at its most purposeful. For you are setting up your intent for the entire year. Or perhaps the gods are listening the most intently during this time of year when everything is fresh and new?
My intent. Finally. Is to draw - paint - create. This year. And the next. And beyond.
Hear me roar!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love & Inspiration

In "honor" of the oh-so tedious Hallmark Valentine's day, rather than celebrate the day with obligatory chocolates, pointless gifts, and a mass-produced card, I feel pulled instead to notice and spread the joy of Nature's Love. Let's celebrate Love of all kinds, not only the romantic this Valentine's day.

Here are some hearts that I found right in my back yard.


I was inspired by Kelly Rae Roberts, who finds hearts wherever she goes, and encourages others to do the same. She's inspiring in many other ways as well. Check out her blog and her website.

She has also inspired me to follow my heart, to do what I've spent my adult life yearning for, but have been too afraid to embrace completely. ART! Painting, drawing, collaging... YES! I am finally saying YES to my creativity, to art, and to my heart. I'm ready.

I'll be using this blog to share my journey, to share my art, and to encourage others to do the same.

It's a monumental step, here I go! Thanks for being here, along for the ride.

So this weekend, notice, honor and spread the Love wherever you go ~ starting with yourself: love who you are, your gifts and talents, and all that you have to offer the world!

Let's go!

Friday, February 5, 2010



The only constant "they" say.

Changes are in the air. For this blog.

For me.


I am setting my intention here.

Change. Time to change. Time to claim. Time to SOAR!

Join me in the journey!

It's going to be a wild ride. I'm so excited!!!