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One of the latest features making the rounds is folks sharing a list of 25 Things about themselves. I jumped in and spent way more time than any sane person should compiling my list. And I was spending SO MUCH time on it that I needed to save it for a later date to finish and post. But, horrors of all horrors, when I went back the next day, it was GONE!!!! All my creativity, my efforts, my self-expression ~ whoosh, sucked into cyberspace never to be seen again. Talk about a non-attachment moment. If only I were Buddhist.
But I'm not, so I started a new list. And put it here instead, in this blog, to share. Smarter and safer I thought. If I feel generous, I'll copy it over to Facebook, we'll see. Actually, it was a fun list to create, to think about all the parts of me and what to include, a chance to take stock, to reflect, to share parts of myself with I'm not sure who. A little bit of a risk, what if people think I'm a freak? Ah well, there ya go.
I've also enjoyed reading other people's lists, the lists are a way for insight into friends and family that we think we know, and who can surprise us with what they share. Or a first glimspe into someone we don't know well at all and would, as a result of reading their lists, like to get to know better. If you take the time to create your own list, I'd love to see it, please share and send it my way!
And let me know your thoughts on mine ~ enjoy!
1. If I had more money I’d have more tattoos (I have 3 currently, a teeny tiny one that hardly counts, the other two quite a bit more significant). Feeding my family, fortunately, does take precedence.
2. I teach tribal style belly dance classes, have my own studio, and am part of a performing dance troupe, and can’t believe that I get paid to do something I love! Shameless plug: http://www.kundalinidance.com/ (tribal belly dance: redefining belly dance!)
3. I’m SO ready to quit my day job and just do number 3. Working on it…
4. I used to speak Japanese and Czech, could still get by in a pinch, and still dream in both languages, mixed with a bit of high school Spanish (that’s all 3 mixed together in the same dream – talk about confusing).
5. I bake bread to relax.
6. Our very cute, affordable house is for sale and has been for way too long, someone please buy it. http://amador.fnismls.com/idx/idx.aspx?RMLS_SESSION_GUID=%7bfc003a35-4d83-436b-a6a2-6983d90695c8%7d&MLS=Amador&SUBSCRIBER=1dabe521-b5b1-4b9a-b445-f8b8db4fc326&
7. I have been and will always be a cat person. I have only 3 at the moment because our house is small (that’s “cozy,” if you’re interested in buying it).
8. My husband and I built a straw bale chicken coop while I was pregnant. Smart? Hmmmmm……. It’s gone by the way, clearly didn’t add value to the home when putting it on the market.
9. I don’t own a TV (that probably explains #8).
10. I tried dreadlocks for all of 6 months. It was very brave, but not very me. My boss never said a thing, but I could tell she was VERY relieved when they were gone (I actually combed out each one, one by one, instead of cutting them off as some people would have done ~ yep, hurt like heck).
11. My favorite place to ever visit was northern Thailand, and I wish I would have stayed longer instead of “keeping to my plan” which meant moving on to the next place too soon. Lesson learned.
12. I’m pretty far out of the box in most areas of my life. You name it, I’ll probably question it.
13. The coolest thing ever to see in person is a giraffe running, preferably – most definitely - not in a zoo.
14. Dark Chocolate. The only thing that defies the concept of “moderation in all things.”
15. I have a very balanced right and left brain: I sew, paint and dance, but I can balance a mean checkbook. This has come in handy many times throughout my life.
16. As I’ve gotten older my spiritual path has become central to who I am. Yet it’s been the one thing I’ve been reluctant to share with others. I’ve kept it very private. But that’s changing.
17. Hands down the grooviest thing I got out of getting an MA in Social and Cultural Anthropology was learning that in many other places and times in history, a woman’s Moon Time (affectionately known here as one’s period, the curse, that time of the month, etc) is when a woman is at her most powerful and intuitive. Women on the same cycle come together during this time and do NOTHING, but be together and connect to each other and their god/goddess/higher power. This is definitely a ritual that needs to be made more popular and mainstreamed here in the U.S. (people, we NEED those days off from work, laundry, child care, groceries, bill paying, etc., we’ve earned it!).
18. My son was in intensive care for the first three months of his life, and I hope that it was the greatest challenge I will ever have to face in this lifetime.
19. I believe every single person is here to do something creative and unique to themselves, all they need is encouragement and support. Something our society withholds and/or places roadblocks to at just about every chance. So what’s your dream?
20. So even though I am all about eating healthy, whole foods, local, organic and sustainable agriculture, the slow food movement, and the connection between our relationship to food and our relationship the Earth, I still crave, and give into, Pop Tarts every once in a while.
21. I’m a Shaman-in-training (see #16).
22. I believe in miracles. And magic.
23. My son is my greatest teacher. May he please grow up to forgive the many stumbles and mistakes I make in negotiating this amazing path called motherhood.
24. I thought I’d be single forever. I can’t believe how lucky I am. My husband really is my best friend and knows me like no one else and supports all of the wacky things I do (see the many things on this list, for example). And to think we met online! He was SO worth the wait! I love you Dave!
25. I am grateful for the beauty and abundance of my life and for all of the people that are in it.
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